Sunday, April 12, 2015

C4T #3

This month I was able to comment on Daniel Edwards blog.

   My favorite post that he had was "How Do We Prepare Our Children For Tomorrow" and it was a video that was about how students should not be determined of their ability by a "grade". The video mentioned how when students remember their favorite teacher, they usually remember what that teacher taught them. The video also talked about just because a child can or cannot do the work does not deal with the process beforehand such as can that child work in a group, can they collaborate with others well, and much others. Sure it is hard to measure these things, but we should be grading on the child and the things they did and the journey they take. I like this idea because we are no longer judging students on what their work "looks" like, but how much time and effort they put in to get the outcome they received.,d.eXY&psig=AFQjCNH7SLJyON4hxK1YtG8590blPIpKFw&ust=1428980406891742

    The other post done by Daniel Edwards was Why Innovate?. This one mostly was about how even though technology is a great tool it is still just a resource, and that it needs to be taught how to be used properly. He uses the word pedagogy, which I had not heard of before until I actually read his post. Pedagogy is that of the teaching or practice of something in an academic subject. That can be helpful because even if we think we know all about the computer or other technologies there is still so much more to learn and to keep growing.

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